Monday, July 30, 2012

Things Have Gotten Busier

Over the past year, a lot has changed in my life.  I'm working pretty much non-stop, and as such things have been piling up that have been taking precedence over this blog.

I've enjoyed writing in these pages, but I just don't think I can keep up with a regular schedule writing anymore.  Rather than stopping the blog, I think I'm just going to let it evolve from a personal blog into a public one.  I've invited my mother-in-law to start writing some book reviews here, and I'm going to start soliciting Guest Bloggers for articles to post in these pages.

I'll keep writing articles and book reviews as time allows, but probably not nearly as often as I used to.  God's path is always unexpected and adventurous.  I can't wait to see where He leads me and Manifest Blog in the future.


enthusiastically, dawn said...

Well, good that you are busy, Stephen! God Bless all that business!

Derrick Boyd said...

God bless you in your work, and may He continue to use this blog whether it is your words or another believer.

Encouraging Thoughts for Life

Sportet said...

Thanks all.


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