Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mondays With My Old Pastor

When I picked up Mondays With My Old Pastor, I was afraid it might be just another sentimental reflective book. But the preface—and the entire book—captured me with its’ stunning allegory, parables, and tangible storytelling.

The book starts with a discouraged young pastor whose wife suggests he visit his “old pastor”—a term of endearment for the man who trained him as a young man. What follows is a tightly-knit story about passing the mantle, filled with refreshingly new stories and parables to illustrate the point.

This book has intentional structure, where each chapter is a visit, and is represented by a new rose that grows in the old pastor’s garden. With each rose is a chance to pray and reflect after the visit—for the reader as well as for the leading character. In this way, the structure and literary devices prepare the reader for worshipful moments and meditation.

José Luis Navajo is no stranger to good storytelling, and it certainly offers ample illustrations that could be used for sermons or teaching. The story moves at a good pace, and I always felt that the “meetings” ended too quickly, wanting to hear more instead of feeling lectured.

I highly recommend this book, without reservations. I already have a list of people who would like to read it after me. It is both interesting and encouraging. I hope you will have the pleasure of reading it as well.

I received this book from the publisher for review. All opinions are my own.

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