Too many Christians profess their faith in Jesus on Sunday here in church, but then when they leave these walls, they go home or to work and no one would ever be able to tell them apart from the world. They curse in public, they watch inappropriate movies, they lust, they covet, they lie, they steal . . .
When speaking to the church at Laodicea, Jesus didn’t call this being a Sunday Christian; He called it being lukewarm. “'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.” (Revelations 3:15-16)
With that in mind as I’ve been networking more with my blog, I’ve come across so many amazing Christian bloggers who have learned and shared great lessons about Christ and life, but at the same time, I wonder how many digital Christians I’ve stumbled across. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m just a digital Christian.
It’s easy to sit behind our computer screens and talk about how we should be living life for the glory of God, but if we’re spending all our time behind our screens; how are we reaching the lost, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the imprisoned . . . For the record, we aren’t doing those things by sending a digital donation. That’s just enabling someone else to do things.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with sharing our faith on the Internet, blogging about what God’s taught us, even digitally donating to Christians doing the Lord’s work, but I for one don’t want to mistake the things I talk about in the digital world of the Internet for living the real life God’s called me to live. The Internet is a great tool, but the real life people on the other side of the connection need real life people to invest in their real life.
I was recently convicted with the following words: “don’t talk about things so much that you think you’re doing them.” And I think that applies to my blog as well.
My Prayer:
Lord, break my heart with the things that break yours. I want to live as hot all the time: in church, online, at work, at the grocery store, at the park, at a restaurant, wherever You lead let me burn for You. Amen
I wholeheartedly agree. I have watched my generation disappear from the land of the living, and the following generation never showed up.
Very good food for thought...I know it is easy to hide behind this computer screen and say Amen to all others like myself may be saying...but you are correct...we need to be living our lives out there in the "real world" just as openly honestly Christ-like as we want to appear to be here. Thank you for this reminder. Also, thanks for your comment on my blog today...
Great, great post!!! And amen to that prayer! Thanks for following. :) :)
Great post and you shared,"
The Internet is a great tool, but the real life people on the other side of the connection need real life people to invest in their real life.".
It's easy to forget..that like all things, the internet, FB, all of these are just tools and not ever substitutes for real life living, growing and experiencing.
I wonder if it makes it easier to mistaken head knowledge as well as with heart knowledge that requires actual application and growth and not just what is typed.
It is a joy discovering a new blog and appreciate the comment and insight you had shared.
thanks for commenting. I think you're definitely on the right track with the head knowledge, heart knowledge thing. And I don't think it's just a Christian thing. Everyone thinks they're an expert on everything these days because they know how to use a search engine.
I don't want to fool myself into thinking I'm a super Christian because I have read a lot about loving God and loving others on the Internet. I want to love Him and love others in real life.
Wow! I had to learn this lesson as well because when your job is ministering God's word, it's easy to confuse this with keeping "hot" your personal relationship with Him!
We are to serve God, yet remain intimate with Him in our personal time.
Good word!
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